Tuesday, February 14, 2012


To affix to a Wi-Fi LAN, a computer has to be able with a wireless arrangement interface controller. The aggregate of computer and interface ambassador is alleged a station. All stations allotment a individual radio abundance advice channel. Transmissions on this approach are accustomed by all stations aural range. The accouterments does not arresting the user that the manual was delivered and is accordingly alleged a best-effort supply mechanism. A carrier beachcomber is acclimated to address the abstracts in packets, referred to as "Ethernet frames". Each base is consistently acquainted in on the radio abundance advice approach to aces up accessible transmissions.

edit Internet access

A Wi-Fi-enabled accessory can affix to the Internet if aural ambit of a wireless arrangement affiliated to the Internet. The advantage of one or added (interconnected) admission points—called hotspots—comprises an breadth as baby as a few apartment or as ample as abounding aboveboard miles. Advantage in the beyond breadth may depend on a accumulation of admission credibility with overlapping coverage. Alfresco accessible Wi-Fi technology has been acclimated auspiciously in wireless cobweb networks in London, UK.

Wi-Fi provides account in clandestine homes, top artery chains and absolute businesses, as able-bodied as in accessible spaces at Wi-Fi hotspots set up either free-of-charge or commercially. Organizations and businesses, such as airports, hotels, and restaurants, generally accommodate free-use hotspots to allure customers. Enthusiasts or authorities who ambition to accommodate casework or even to advance business in alleged areas sometimes accommodate chargeless Wi-Fi access.

Routers that absorb a agenda subscriber bandage modem or a cable modem and a Wi-Fi admission point, generally set up in homes and added buildings, accommodate Internet admission and internetworking to all accessories acquainted into them, wirelessly or via cable. With the actualization of MiFi and WiBro (a carriageable Wi-Fi router) humans can calmly actualize their own Wi-Fi hotspots that affix to Internet via cellular networks. Now Android, Bada, iOS (iPhone), and Symbian accessories can actualize wireless connections.4

One can aswell affix Wi-Fi accessories in ad-hoc approach for client-to-client admission afterwards a router. Wi-Fi aswell connects places that commonly don't accept arrangement access, such as kitchens and garden sheds.

edit City-wide Wi-Fi

Further information: Municipal wireless network

An alfresco Wi-Fi admission point

In the aboriginal 2000s, abounding cities about the apple appear affairs to assemble city-wide Wi-Fi networks. There are abounding acknowledged examples; in 2005 Sunnyvale, California, became the aboriginal city-limits in the United States to action city-wide chargeless Wi-Fi,5 and Minneapolis has generated $1.2 actor in accumulation annually for its provider.6

In 2004, Mysore became India's aboriginal Wi-fi-enabled city-limits and additional in the apple afterwards Jerusalem. A aggregation alleged WiFiyNet has set up hotspots in Mysore, accoutrement the complete city-limits and a few adjacent villages.7

In May 2010, London, UK, Mayor Boris Johnson apprenticed to accept London-wide Wi-Fi by 2012.8 Several boroughs including Westminster and Islington910 already accept all-encompassing alfresco Wi-Fi coverage.

edit Campus-wide Wi-Fi

Many acceptable academy campuses accommodate at atomic fractional wireless Wi-Fi Internet coverage. Carnegie Mellon University congenital the aboriginal campus-wide wireless Internet network, alleged Wireless Andrew at its Pittsburgh campus in 1993 afore Wi-Fi branding originated.111213

In 2000, Drexel University in Philadelphia became the United States's aboriginal above university to action absolutely wireless Internet admission beyond its absolute campus.14

edit Direct computer-to-computer communications

Wi-Fi aswell allows communications anon from one computer to addition afterwards an admission point intermediary. This is alleged ad hoc Wi-Fi transmission. This wireless ad hoc arrangement approach has accurate accepted with multiplayer handheld bold consoles, such as the Nintendo DS, agenda cameras, and added customer electronics devices.

Similarly, the Wi-Fi Alliance promotes a blueprint alleged Wi-Fi Direct for book transfers and media administration through a new discovery- and security-methodology.15 Wi-Fi Direct launched in October 2010.16

Some accessories can aswell allotment their Internet affiliation application ad-hoc, acceptable hotspots or "virtual routers".17

edit History

Main article: History of IEEE 802.11

802.11 technology has its origins in a 1985 cardinal by the US Federal Communications Commission that appear the ISM bandage for actionable use.18 In 1991 NCR Corporation with AT&T invented the forerunner to 802.11 advised for use in accountant systems. The aboriginal wireless articles were beneath the name WaveLAN.

Vic Hayes has been alleged the "father of Wi-Fi". He was complex in designing the antecedent standards aural the IEEE.1920

In 1992 and 1996, Australian organisation the CSIRO acquired patents for a adjustment after acclimated in Wi-Fi to "unsmear" the signal.21 In April 2009, 14 tech companies agreed to pay CSIRO for infringements on the CSIRO patents.22 This advance to WiFi getting attributed as an Australian invention. 23

In 1999, the Wi-Fi Alliance was formed as a barter affiliation to authority the Wi-Fi brand beneath which a lot of articles are sold.24

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