Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The name Wi-Fi

The appellation Wi-Fi suggests Wireless Fidelity, akin the accepted audio-equipment allocation appellation Hi-Fi (used back 195025) or top allegiance (in use back the 1930s25). Even the Wi-Fi Alliance itself has generally acclimated the byword Wireless Allegiance in its columnist releases2627 and documents;2829 the appellation aswell appears in a white cardboard on Wi-Fi from ITAA.30

The appellation Wi-Fi, aboriginal acclimated commercially in August 1999,31 was coined by a brand-consulting close alleged Interbrand Corporation that the Alliance had assassin to actuate a name that was "a little catchier than 'IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence'".323334 Belanger aswell declared that Interbrand invented Wi-Fi as a play on words with Hi-Fi, and aswell created the Wi-Fi logo.

The Wi-Fi Alliance initially acclimated an commercial byword for Wi-Fi, "The Accepted for Wireless Fidelity",32 but after removed the byword from their marketing. Despite this, some abstracts from the Alliance anachronous 2003 and 2004 still accommodate the appellation Wireless Fidelity.2829 There was no official account accompanying to the bottomward of the term.

The yin-yang Wi-Fi logo indicates the acceptance of a artefact for interoperability.28

Non-Wi-Fi technologies advised for anchored credibility such as Motorola Canopy are usually declared as anchored wireless. Alternative wireless technologies cover adaptable buzz standards such as 2G, 3G or 4G.

edit Wi-Fi certification

See also: Wi-Fi Alliance

The Wi-Fi Alliance enforces the use of the Wi-Fi cast to technologies based on the IEEE 802.11 standards from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This includes wireless bounded breadth arrangement (WLAN) connections, accessory to accessory connectivity such as Wi-Fi Peer to Peer AKA Wi-Fi Direct, Personal breadth arrangement (PAN), bounded breadth arrangement (LAN) and even some bound advanced breadth arrangement (WAN) connections.

Derivative terms, such as Super Wi-Fi, coined by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to call proposed networking in the UHF TV bandage in the US, may or may not be sanctioned.

Not every Wi-Fi accessory is submitted for certification. The abridgement of Wi-Fi acceptance does not necessarily betoken a accessory is adverse with added Wi-Fi devices. If it is adjustable or partly compatible, the Wi-Fi Alliance may not article to its description as a Wi-Fi devicecitation needed admitting technically alone certified accessories are approved.

The IEEE does not analysis accessories for acquiescence with their standards. The non-profit Wi-Fi Alliance formed in 1999 to ample this abandoned — to authorize and accomplish standards for interoperability and astern compatibility, and to advance wireless local-area-network technology. As of 2010 the Wi-Fi Alliance consisted of added than 375 companies from about the world.3536 Manufacturers with associates in the Wi-Fi Alliance, whose articles canyon the acceptance process, accretion the appropriate to mark those articles with the Wi-Fi logo.

Specifically, the acceptance action requires acclimation to the IEEE 802.11 radio standards, the WPA and WPA2 aegis standards, and the EAP affidavit standard. Acceptance may optionally cover tests of IEEE 802.11 abstract standards, alternation with cellular-phone technology in converged devices, and appearance apropos to aegis set-up, multimedia, and power-saving.37

The aegis standard, Wi-Fi Protected Setup, allows anchored accessories with bound graphical user interface to affix to the Internet with ease. Wi-Fi Protected Setup has 2 configurations: The Push Button agreement and the PIN configuration. These anchored accessories are aswell alleged The Internet of Things and are low-power, battery-operated anchored systems. A amount of Wi-Fi manufacturers architecture chips and modules for anchored Wi-Fi, such as GainSpan.38

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